Switch Access Measure Workshop
About Switch Access Measure
An 8 x 2 hour online certification course for clinicians, therapists, educators and researchers who wish to become certified users of the Switch Access Measure is now available.
SAM provides an overall view of a switch user’s motor, visual and process skills when using switch access technology and has the potential to deliver better outcomes for people living with disability and their families.
It is being researched and developed by Novita in association with world-renowned outcome measure expert in the area of paediatric rehabilitation, Professor Virginia Wright of the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto, and University of Toronto.
Next Training Course Details:
The next training course will run from Thursday, May 1, 2025 to Thursday, June 19, 2025.
- Course Duration: 8 sessions (2 hours per session)
- Schedule: Every Thursday afternoon from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (ACST)
- Platform: Webex Meetings (recorded for future review on our Learning Platform)
Secure your spot now via Humanitix for:
When and where is the next Switch Access Measure training course?
Thursday 1 May through to Thursday 19 June 2025
The training course will consist of 8 x 2 hour sessions utilising a stable and secure platform called Webex Meetings. Each session will be recorded and uploaded to a Learning Platform that we have set-up for Assessment and Certification for review by the participant at any time.
These workshops are run over eight weeks, every Thursday afternoon for 2 hours (4:00pm-6:00pm ACST)
What are switches?
Switches are assistive technology interfaces used by people living with physical disability that can be used for a range of different purposes, including accessing technology for communication, accessing the internet for research and school work as well as social media, controlling a powered wheelchair, and controlling lighting and appliances in the home.
Switches vary in design and purpose depending on how the user activates them using part of their bodies including hands, head, elbows, and feet. For some users, using switches, eliminates the need to use a computer keyboard or mouse. Accessing switches can help to deliver critical independence for people living with disability.

How does Switch Access Measure work?
The Switch Access Measure involves making a video of a switch user undertaking a task or activity. Every attempt is made to ensure the activity being videoed is goal-based and well-targeted to the user’s interests and abilities so that the best possible assessment can be made.
The video is reviewed by a certified Switch Access Measure assessor who assesses against criteria relating to the user’s motor, visual and process (cognitive) skills. For example, the assessment criteria for the user’s motor skills include:
- accurately contacts switch
- applies appropriate force to switch
Clinicians score the user against the assessment criteria from 0-4:
4 = Good skill effectiveness and efficiency (competent)
3 = Minimal issues with skill effectiveness and efficiency (10-19% of time = “occasionally”)
2 = Moderately reduced/inconsistent skill effectiveness and efficiency (20-69% of time = “regularly”)
1 = Markedly to severely limited skill effectiveness and efficiency (>70% = “frequently to continuously”)
0 = Not observed
Benefits of the Switch Access Measure
The Switch Access Measure gives an overall picture of the user’s motor, visual and process (cognitive) skills when interacting with switch access technology and devices.
It provides evidence that can use to determine the user’s strengths and weaknesses and to recommend and develop targeted priorities for intervention. For example, seating can often be a focus, because poor seating can influence other skills. It can also provide evidence and data to justify funding for assistive technology.
Ultimately, the Switch Access Measure aims to deliver better outcomes for users and their families.
Switch Access Measure Developers and Researchers
The Switch Access Measure has been developed by Novita in association with Professor Virginia Wright. It has undergone initial research and development with good reliability outcomes (see references below), with further research planned soon.
Annabelle has over 30 years' experience working as an Occupational Therapist both in Australia and in the UK. She has worked in the Assistive Technology Service at Novita in Adelaide for over 20 years and is currently a Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist. Her role has been to provide assessment, training and support to children and adults with physical disabilities and their families and consultative support to other clinicians and educators. As a developer of the Switch Access Measure (SAM), Annabelle continues to have a research role associated with further development of the assessment as an evidence-based outcome measure. Annabelle regularly delivers University lectures and conference papers in the area of Assistive Technology. She has a strong interest in achieving best practice outcomes for clients using switching technologies.

Louise has been working in the Novita Assistive Technology Service for over 12 years and is currently the Practice Lead of Assistive Technology. Prior to this Louise worked in acquired brain injury both in Adelaide and in the UK. Louise has used switching technology to gain functional outcomes for both her paediatric and adult clients. She has a passion for supporting clinicians with assessment, provision and training in assistive technology and regularly provides training for internal and external staff and Universities. Louise is a clinical researcher for the current research looking into the outcome measure potential of the Switch Access Measure.

Toan’s primary research focus over the past 15 years has been investigating and developing telecommunications and assistive technology solutions for children and adults with physical limitations. Toan has extensive research knowledge and experience in the fields of disability, assistive technologies, accessible telecommunications, and Universal Design principles. Toan is the chief investigator for the current research looking into the outcome measure potential of the Switch Access Measure.

Dr Virginia Wright is a registered paediatric physiotherapist and Senior Clinician Scientist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Canada, and holds the Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation Chair in Paediatric Rehabilitation. She is a Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto and an Associate Member of CanChild, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Virginia leads the SPARK (Supporting Physical Activity-based rehabilitation Research for Kids) Lab in the Bloorview Research Institute at Holland Bloorview. Her research is grounded in her experience as a physiotherapist and outcome measures co-ordinator, and guided by her close links with several paediatric rehabilitation teams at Holland Bloorview. Her clinical research centres on development and validation of outcome measures for use in paediatric rehabilitation (cerebral palsy, prosthetics, and acquired brain injury in particular), as well as on mixed methods evaluations (RCT + qualitative inquiry) evaluations of a variety of physical activity interventions for children. She has partnered with the Novita to develop the Switch Access Measure.

Nguyen, T., Tilbrook, A., Sandelance, M., & Wright, F. V. (2021). The switch access measure: development and evaluation of the reliability and clinical utility of a switching assessment for children with severe and multiple disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-12. doi:10.1080/17483107.2021.1906961
Nguyen, T., Tilbrook, A., Sanderlance, M., Wright, V. (2018), “Determining the Reliability and Validity of the Novita Switch Access Solutions Assessment”, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 60 (51), 34
Who should attend?
Assessors must be certified to use the Switch Access Measure. A two-day training course and an on-line module have been developed, and must be completed successfully to achieve certification. The on-line module includes the satisfactory assessment of four Switch Access Measure videos, and completion of a plan for an assessment. The certification process must be completed within three months of completing the two-day training course.
Switch Access Measure certification training is open to participants who have experience at working with people living with disability who need to use switches to access assistive technology, including:
- occupational therapists, speech pathologists and educators working in
- community-based paediatric and adult sector rehabilitation settings working with clients using switching technology
- hospital-based paediatric and adult sector acute inpatient and rehabilitation settings working with clients living with high level physical disability.
- educators working in special education and mainstream settings with students using switching technology
- researchers working in the field of disability and assistive technologies (computer access technologies; alternative and augmentative communication (AAC); environmental control systems).
Benefits of attending
By successfully completing the certification training, you will gain a unique insight and understanding of the Switch Access Measure, including:
- the intended use and clinical rationale of the Switch Access Measure
- the development process and fundamental psychometric properties
- the Switch Access Measure manual
- assessment session set up, videoing and administration protocols
- the Switch Access Measure rating scale criteria
- using the findings from the Switch Access Measure to guide goal-setting, clinical reasoning, interventions and funding applications.
When and where is the next Switch Access Measure training course?
Commencing Thursday 1 May through to Thursday 19 June 2025
The training course will consist of 8 x 2 hour sessions utilising a stable and secure platform called Webex Meetings. Each session will be recorded and uploaded to a Learning Platform that we have set-up for Assessment and Certification for review by the participant at any time.
A comprehensive Course Reference Book will be sent out prior to Session 1.
How many people can participate in a workshop?
Switch Access Measure training is available for individuals and groups of up to 20 people.
Is online support available should I experience any issues?
IT support is available online throughout the training course. We will also conduct a test session with each participant before Session 1. This is necessary to test internet connection, computer setup, internet reliability, and bandwidth.
Can I host a Switch Access Measure workshop at my organisation?
We welcome local, national, and international enquiries to run the Switch Access Measure training course at your organisation. You can request to host a workshop via the details below.
How much does the workshop cost?
The Switch Access Measure workshops cost $1,199.00 AUD including GST.
International cost $1,090.00 excluding Australian GST.
What is the cancellations and refunds policy?
Cancellation by participant:
Where the participant has requested cancellation of their course registration, Novita Services will refund the cost of the course, as long as the request to cancel the registration has been received by email at least seven (7) working days prior to the course date. Participants wishing to cancel their registration should email [email protected] and include their full name, course title and ticket order number. The option of rescheduling to the next workshop will also be offered where possible. Where the participant is eligible for a refund, Novita reserves the right to deduct any administrative or resource costs that have been incurred. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received less than seven (7) days from the course commencement date. Where a participant does not attend a course (no show), a refund will not be made.
Course registration transfers:
Course registration tickets are transferrable to a substitute delegate. Participants wishing to transfer a ticket order should email [email protected] and advise the original and new delegates’ names, course name and order number.
Course cancellation by Novita:
In the event of a course requiring cancellation by Novita due to unforeseen circumstances, registered participants may choose to either roll over the workshop fee to the rescheduled date or seek a full refund. Novita Services will not be held responsible for any costs incurred (such as flights, accommodation, travel expenses) or loss of income.
Online registration terms and conditions:
Novita Services workshops are provided online, and these Registration Terms and Conditions form the agreement between Novita Services and the participant. It is the participant’s responsibility to fully read, understand and agree to Registration Terms & Conditions. Upon registration, participants are confirming they have read the workshop information, terms and conditions, and that the participant is aware of the requirements and structure of the workshop’s program.
Introducing – Getting started with Switching
Do you have children or adults who would benefit from using switching technologies and are unsure where to start?
This workshop gives an introduction to switching for those needing to know the basics. The range of switch options, key considerations for switch and access site selection will be discussed. Participants will gain an understanding of the different scanning selection methods and the important factors to consider to help determine which is the most appropriate for individual clients. Considerations and options for mounting will also be presented. The key switching developmental frameworks will be explained along with some examples of how to put them into practice with activity ideas. Key assessment tools and approaches will be described including an explanation of the “Switch Access Measure” for those interested in going on to complete this.
Practical demonstration of connecting and using switch interfaces with iOS devices and computers will be included.
This workshop is recommended as a precursor to the longer 8 session Switch Access Measure Certification course for those who are new to the area of switching.
Suitable for Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Educators working with clients in this area of practice.
The next training course will be:
Request a workshop
Contact the Novita Customer Experience Team on 1300 668 482 or email [email protected] to request a workshop.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 668 482