Therapy and Exercise

Everyone - whether they live with physical or intellectual disability or they don’t live with disability – has different independence and life goals, which can be supported through a wide range of therapy and rehabilitation.

Therapy and rehabilitation services are often tailored to suit the needs of individual clients, with different therapy disciplines working together to provide the best possible outcomes.

Many therapy services can be delivered on a one-on-one basis – the client and the therapist – or in a group session, particularly for kids. Therapy services can also be accessed at disability provider locations, at home, at school, in the workplace, and in the community.

Therapy services can include:

Early Childhood Intervention

With a focus on the early years of life, Early Childhood Intervention supports parents and caregivers of young kids living with disability or developmental delay. These services can be tailored to the individual needs of the child with the aim of developing their potential.

Exercise Physiology

This therapy supports clients in their everyday life through exercise, lifestyle and behaviour modifications. By expertly prescribing this to clients, Exercise Physiologists can support clients to maintain a healthy lifestyle, combat sedentary behaviour and assist them with health-related complications that may stem from living with a physical or intellectual disability.

Occupational Therapy

“OT” can assist people who are experiencing sensory issues or challenges with their movement, play, personal care, sleep, vision, independent living skills (such as shopping, cooking, and using public transport), as well as participation at school, in the workplace, and in the community. Occupational therapists facilitate strategies to support people living with disability to participate to their full potential, drawing on equipment and technology as support tools.


Movement and mobility therapies for people of all ages living with physical and intellectual disabilities, as well as people who have suffered injuries. Physiotherapists monitor and treat movement disorders and muscle and pain issues utilising mobility and positional equipment such as walkers, and therapeutic splinting.


Behavioural, cognitive, and mental health support for people living with physical and intellectual disabilities to support their mental, emotional, social, and behavioural development.

Speech Pathology

This therapy can support kids, young people and adults living with disability who experience issues with eating or drinking, chewing, and swallowing, as well as other challenges with their communication. Such challenges may include problems speaking, difficulties understanding language, or support with non-verbal communication such as learning how to language through signing and symbols.

Social Work/Family Support

Support for kids, young people and adults and their families to empower them to achieve their goals and to support positive relationships during times of crisis and hardship. Family support services include case management and counselling, as well as parent programs and groups to support family members who provide care for kids living with disability.

Support Coordination

Assistance to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to ensure people living with disability and their families are receiving the funding support they need to achieve their goals.

Aquatic Therapy

Designed to support movement and sensory disorders for people of all ages. Physiotherapists support clients with strengthening and fitness, while occupational therapists use aquatic therapy to work with clients with sensory disorders. Usually available in one-on-one and group sessions.

A wide range of equipment and devices can be included in therapy services, from the most basic of tools to complex Assistive Technology.

Therapy services can also include specialise medical support, especially paediatric support for kids. Strong and on-going links are often encouraged and maintained between clients and their families, paediatricians, paediatric rehabilitation physicians, community agencies, and the therapy and rehabilitation teams.

Rehabilitation involves providing support for people whose physical abilities have been impaired because of a major injury, illness, or surgery. It is a specialist area of healthcare in which Allied Health professionals coordinate programs which are often time-limited to meet the immediate needs of clients. Rehabilitation programs are outcome-focussed, evidence-based and culturally sensitive.

A wide range of Allied Health professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, social workers, exercise physiologists and medical rehabilitation specialists can often form a rehabilitation team which works closely with hospitals and other service providers to ensure clients receive the best possible support.

Rehabilitation services can include:

Acquired Brain Injury Program

A specialist program for people living with an acquired brain injury – often as the result of medical event such as a brain tumour or a trauma such as a motor vehicle accident. Following acute care in a hospital, a team of Allied Health professionals (occupational therapists, speech pathologists, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc) work with clients to establish a coordinated approach to therapy support.

Physical Rehabilitation Program

Provides specialist therapy services for people of all ages at a time when an intensive program is needed – perhaps following medical intervention such as surgery, for those experiencing movement disorders or requiring short-term rehabilitation. Often a multi-discipline approach is taken with physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and other Allied Health professionals supporting kids, young people, and adults and their families.

Equipment often used in rehabilitation services includes:

  • treatment tables
  • exercise balls
  • resistance bands
  • treadmills
  • exercise bikes
  • TRX suspension equipment
Selected Product Categories: Therapy And Exercise

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